Emergency Contraception
The contraceptive pill
If you have had unprotected sex or your usual method of contraception has failed, you may be concerned about getting pregnant. One of the options available to you can be the post-contraceptive pill that prevents or delays ovulation.
Although often called in the morning after taking the pill, it can take up to five days after unprotected sex, depending on what type of pill you are taking. The sooner you take the pill afterwards, the more likely you are to avoid pregnancy.
The morning-after pill is for emergency use and should not be used regularly.
If you need the pill immediately afterwards
The hormonal emergency contraceptives available at Darling’s pharmacy are for women who have had unprotected sex in the past five days. Just step into the nearest Darling’s pharmacy as soon as possible to have a friendly, calming and confidential conversation with one of our pharmacists. They can advise you on your emergency contraception options and offer you any help or support you may need. Alternatively, you can see your local family doctor or sexual health/contraception clinic.
If you need the pill immediately afterwards, online delivery is not the right option. It is best to go to the nearest Darling’s pharmacy as soon as possible.
Our Services
Flu jabs
The Flu Vaccine Protects Those Who Are At Risk Of Flu And Its Complications. You Might Be Eligible For A Free Flu Vaccine. Preventing Flu.
UTI Service
All 3 of our branches are offering a UTI (urinary tract infection) service for females aged 16 - 65. Just pop into one of our branches and talk to our Pharmacists who will be able to issue antibiotics if suitable.
New Medication Service
New Medicine Service (NMS) If you're prescribed a medicine to treat a long-term condition for the first time, you may be able to get extra help and advice about your medicine from your Darling's pharmacy.
Monitored Dosage Systems
At Darling's Pharmacy we offer a Monitored Dosage System that can help patients who take a lot of different medications at different times of day.
Online Prescriptions
You can now order your NHS repeat prescriptions online with Darling's. Ordering your NHS prescriptions online with Darling's takes the hassle out repeat prescriptions.
Stop Smoking Service
Your Local Darling's Pharmacy can advise you of the products available to prevent your cravings and can signpost you to your nearest stop smoking service.
Emergency Contraception
Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or if the contraception you have used has failed – for example, a condom has split or you have missed a pill.
"Think Pharmacy 1st" Minor Ailments Service
The "Think Pharmacy 1st" Minor Ailments Service aims to enable more patients to access NHS treatment and advice without requiring a GP or A&E.
FREE Prescription Delivery Service
We over a prescription delivery service free of charge accross South Tyneside.
We aim to deliver your prescription to you within 24 hours of us receiving it from your GP. We also off a late afternoon service for any urgent medications such as antibiotics.
For patients who receive a Monitored Dosage System, this will be delivered on the same day of the week each time. If you have multiple deliveries in a week, we will combine these into one but only if it is safe and appropriate to do so.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 455 4551 or by emailing your nominated branch.
Better Health Care is Our Mission
Darling’s Farnham
433 Stanhope Road
South Shields
NE33 4QY
0191 455 4551 opt 4
Farnham Road
Darling’s Dean Road
88 Dean Road
South Shields
NE33 4AR